I was born in Pueblo, Colorado, the land of nothing (but a real great place to grow up), brought up on movies like Airplane!, Naked Gun and Clue! I quickly developed a razor sharp wit and repartee that sometimes only my siblings and cousins can truly get (They were raised on the same movies, which makes it easier). I love to laugh and causing others to dissolve into laughter. I believe and know that laughter is one of the strongest forces on earth. It has powers to affect humanity in ways that we are still learning about. You think you’re simply giggling with others and then BAM! a light bulb! You learned something, you can relate to someone a little more, you understand where the other person is coming from, how did that happen? Sneaky, sneaky humor.
Anywho, after a childhood of running down dirt roads barefoot, creating chalk cities on our driveway and running a roller rink in our garage, I traveled north all the way to Greeley, Colorado and the University of Northern Colorado. I graduated with a degree in Theatre: Directing and one in Journalism: Telecommunications.
I moved to Los Angeles one month after graduating from college and have been living and loving life here ever since. I stumbled upon Long Form Improvisation at IO West and am a proud graduate of their program, having spent years on a few Harold Teams, Assisted Living, DCT and The Dilemma, and Nebraska. (R.I.P. iO West) I went through Second City’s Conservatory and learned how to make my humor smarter, using satire and parody, and improv to write sketches. I’ve since branched out into writing and creating my own scripts, sketches and short movies!
I’m a One. Stop. Shop. Actress. Writer. Producer. Humanitarian. Accomplished Hugger. Consistent Dreamer.
A scene from Repo
Tactics: A Short